The Virtual C.R.O. program simulates a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O.). It has been designed for engineering students to study various waveforms using a C.R.O.-like interface, since the actual C.R.O. and the circuits they are studying may not always be available to them due to limited laboratory access.
Please note that this is merely a software simulation, and the waveforms that the program displays are software-generated (using programmed mathematical expressions). This is not a program which works with hardware circuits or reads data from the computer's ports.
This program could be used for the following:-
as a simple interface to observe any Waveform, typically the theoretical output of some circuit.
to study various C.R.O. effects and experiments such as:-
Frequency measurement using Lissajous figures
phase measurement using ellipses
intensity modulation
to learn how to use a C.R.O. (!!). The program has controls Similar to those of a normal C.R.O., and so students are free to experiment with them and understand their functions.
The virtual C.R.O. has 5 input channels, plus inputs for external triggering and intensity modulation (Z input). What 'signals' are 'connected' to each channel is defined by the 'experiment' you select, and its parameters. The program includes a set of common experiments; you can add your own by modifying the source code and re-compiling the program.
5 input channels, plotted in different colours
Display/hide individual channels
time and voltage scale adjustment
Trace positioning
GND mode
X-Y mode
Z mode (intensity modulation)
Choice of 'Hold' mode or triggering from any channel or ext. trig. input
Light or solid joining of samples
Adjustable screen size
Customizable screen, Grid and trace colours
Panel displays values of controls, such as scales and modes in effect
Measure voltages and time differences using the mouse
Run experiments with parameters
and so on.